Quotations I Like:
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
AESOP, Fables
What, no fancy graphics or pretty girls? Afraid not, but don't let that put you off.
All I ask is that you linger for a few minutes, have a look around and see if any bells get rung. If they don't, then OK, that's no problem. We may have something in common as my interests include, reading, writing, philately, photography, model railways, cats, tropical fish, philosophy of life, retirement, travel and caravans.
You will have spent a little of your time and maybe a few pence, cents, pesetas, drachma or whatever. On the other hand, you might see or read something that will have made it worth your while.
At the very least you might find yourself smiling and nodding as you read, maybe at a situation that is all too familiar. Better still, a reminder of a memory that sends you off on a whole new exploration of past experiences or situations you thought you had forgotten about. Now that can't be too bad, can it?
I can't offer you a beer or a coffee, just a chance to share a few things with someone who has been around for awhile. In all these years I have met a lot of people, the good, the bad and the ugly and I never tire of them. Some can really rattle my chain and get me up on a high horse before I realise what's happened while others have pointed me in new directions, either in thought or action and to those people I will be forever grateful.
These Web Pages give me another chance to come into contact with others, perhaps of a like mind, perhaps of totally different views. It doesn't really matter, it is the contact that is important.
With that contact in mind please e-mail me whether or not you browse the rest of the site. Your opinions are as valid as mine and worth having.
Can't finish the intro without mentioning Trellix, see their link at the top of this page. A really good freebie, this one. Anyone can build web pages, and I mean anyone, with the help of this download. Trellix also gets you free space on the internet to display your efforts. Give their logo at the top of this page a click and have a go, you certainly have nothing to lose.